Oct 24, 2020 | Elizabeth Kuzyk
Georgia O’Keeffe (15 November 1887- 6 March 1986)
American Artist
The romance of the rugged southwest has always called me. I love the idea of dressing with intention, and for a purpose. The worn-to-death boots, cowboy hats, and denim uniform create a style that is thoughtful and functional.
In late August, I hit the road with my dog, Poe. I was desperately craving the views of vast land. A landscape of stillness, a reminder to slow down and breathe. We headed 60 miles NW of Santa Fe, to the famed Ghost Ranch, the home of Georgia O’Keeffe and the place from which she drew inspiration.
I indulged my curiosity about her life and her creative process. I am so drawn to the world through her eyes, and the ways at which she can make us reconsider a flower, or a shape as if we’ve never seen it before. Ghost Ranch had the magic to liberate her to create a visual language of her own. Looking out onto the same empty plains that she did, I allowed myself to settle, and feel completely at ease. For me, that's the state I’m in when the magic happens, and when I feel most connected and most alive.